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Workshop on Applied Security 2024 (WAS 2024)

The aim of the workshop is to create an opportunity for researchers and their students in the wide and complex field of computer systems security to come together and discuss current topics and trends in a welcoming environment. This workshop is part of the ITAT conference, which takes place in hotel Hotel Javorna, Drienica, Čergovské Vrchy, Slovakia from September 20th to September 24th. The specific date for the workshop itself will be announced.

The workshop will consist of regular papers track, and a track dedicated to overview and work-in-progress extended abstracts. It will serve as a platform for presenting contributions primarily focused on, though not restricted to:

as well as other practical aspects of computer security in general. We also welcome practical demonstrations of attacks and/or protective measures, alongside tutorials on relevant topics.

Regular Papers

A regular paper presents original and innovative scientific results of the authors.

Overview and Work-In-Progress Extended Abstracts

Extended abstract summarizing authors' research from a higher level of perspective or work-in-progress with preliminary results (even negative ones) are welcomed for this separate track.

Short summary of intended submission (50-200 words) not required
Paper or extended abstract submission July 10, 2024
Notification on accept decisions July 31, 2024
Camera-ready submission August 11, 2024
Early registration August 15, 2024
Workshop September, 2024

Program committee