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Workshop on Natural Computing

The workshop is organized as a part of the 24rd Conference ITAT (Information technologies -- Applications and Theory), which takes place in in hotel Hotel Javorna, Drienica, Čergovské Vrchy, Slovakia from September 20th to September 24th.

We encourage especially young researchers and PhD students to present their work and exchange ideas in an inspiring and informal environment. Submissions are welcome in the area of natural computing, i.e., computational processes observed in nature, and human-designed computing inspired by nature. Topics include (but are not restricted to):

Invited talk: TBA

Submissions should have 5-8 pages of two-columns A4 format, written in English, using LaTeX, according to the CEUR LaTeX template, it must present new results not published elsewhere and it must be submitted using the EasyChair system. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by 2 PC members. The accepted papers will be published in ITAT proceedings available through the CEUR Workshop Proceedings publication service (, indexed in Scopus.

Important dates
Paper submission July 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance/rejection July 29, 2024
Final version August 11, 2024
Conference September 20 - 24, 2024

Program committee