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Computational Aspects of Large-Scale Problems in Discrete Mathematics, CADM

The aim of the workshop is to bring together young researchers in Discrete Mathematics whose work has a significant computational component or includes problems of significant computational complexity. Participants are generally expected to prepare a short article about the specific computational aspects of problems they consider in their research and to present a 20 minute talk based on this article. On-site collaboration and exchange of ideas, techniques, tricks or hints is particularly encouraged. Doctoral students presenting preliminary reports on their work, wishing to learn more about problems of computational character, or simply looking for inspiration, are specifically encouraged to apply.

All topics involving computational aspects or actual use of computers in Discrete Mathematics will be considered. Each submitted contribution will be reviewed by two members of the Programme Committee and evaluated with regard to the relevance of the topic, the originality of the use of the computing techniques, and the contribution’s potential in becoming a topic of shared interest among the participants of the workshop.

The expected length of submissions should be about 4-10 pages of two-columns A4 format (including references), written in English, using CEUR two-columns latex style, and submissions must be submitted using the EasyChair system. The accepted papers and abstracts will be published in ITAT proceedings available through the CEUR Workshop Proceedings publication service (, indexed in DBLP and Scopus.

The information on fees, services and registration can be found at registration fees page.

Invited talk

Important dates
Paper submission June 30, 2024
Acceptance/rejection notification July 28, 2024
Camera-ready submission August 11, 2024

Program committee