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Information for workshop organizers

The members of Steering Committe of ITAT conference invite proposals for workshops on interest areas and topics of the conference.

The program of a workshop usually consists of two-hour blocks (up to four blocks) over one or two days. It can be devoted to scientific lectures, discussions of open issues, poster session and other scientific activities. Workshop organizes are encouraged to provide a tutorial for young researchers in the area of worshop topics as a part of the workshop program. Conference organizers will provide registration, venue, coffee breaks and technical support.

Workshop organizer helps to ensure the selection of papers, communication in the preparation of the relevant part of the proceedings, schedule the program within the allocated time blocks and promote the workshop in the relevant part of the community. If workshop organizers are interested, the conference organizers provides advanced EasyChair system instalation and inclusion of acepted workshop papers to the conference proceedings in CEUR.

Workshop participants who do not want to attend the whole conference will be given a discounted two-day registration (including two nights accommodation). Each workshop has the opportunity to invite a plenary speaker for 2 nights. If the workshop has at least 10 papers accepted, the workshop can invite two plenary speakers for 2 nights, or one plenary speaker for the full conference. Invited lecturers do not pay the registration fee.

Workshop proposals or any questions should be sent by e-mail to peter.gursky {at} by 31.3.2025. The workshop proposal includes:

It is not obligatory to enclose a list of participants in workshop proposal, but we would appreciate an estimate of the expected number of participants. Moreover, a list of research groups which are dealing with the same issues in the Czech Republic and Slovakia can be fruitful in order to promote the workshop.

Traditional topics of the conference are:

Topics from other areas of informatics are also welcomed, since they can attract the attention of the Czech-Slovak informatics community.

Workshops will be approved on an ongoing basis. Upon approval, the workshop organizer is expected to provide the necessary information, which will be published on the ITAT website.