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Data Analysis in Response to Epidemics (DARE)

We invite submissions of original papers not published elsewhere for the workshop Data Analysis in Response to Epidemics (DARE), which will be a part of the ITAT 2021 conference. The conference is planned to take place in Slovakia Low Tatras mountains on September 24-28, 2021. The papers will be published as a section of the ITAT conference proceedings and will appear in CEUR Workshop Proceedings series (ISSN 1613-0073) which is also indexed in Scopus.

The workshop is organized in part as a network activity of PANGAIA project (Horizon 2020 grant agreement #872539).

There will be a current topics / highlight session composed of short presentations either concerning last-minute topics or summarizing published research or work in progress. The submission deadline for highlight session is September 15, 2021 through the EasyChair system. We will notify you about acceptance by September 17. Highlight session presenters are expected to participate at the conference in person.

Topics of interest

The workshop will include, but is not limited to, the following topics:


The authors should submit a full paper, an extended abstract, or a work in progress report in English language. The paper should be between 6 and 10 pages long, formatted using templates provided on the conference web page, and should be submitted through the ITAT EasyChair system. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. At the time of submission, the paper should not be under review at any other conference or by a scientific journal, submission of an extended version to a journal after the submission deadline is allowed. For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, at least one author must present the paper at the conference as a registered participant.

Key dates
Registration of the abstract through EasyChair June 25, 2021
Paper submission July 1, 2021
Notification of acceptance or rejection July 26, 2021
Final version submission August 9, 2021
Highlight session submission September 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance for highlight session September 17, 2021

Program committee