
Room (2-3 persons) 410 Sk per person/night
Halfboard 310 Sk
Conference fee 2000 Sk

Conference fee is approximately 70 % of whole sum for accomodation and halfboard. This amount must be paid in advance before July 18, 2003 because of reservation. Rest of amount must be paid in the hotel. If you want to participate on the part of conference only, you should mark it on your submition.

Bank account:

Katarína Mičková
Ústav Informatiky, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita P.J.Šafárika
040 54 Košice, Slovensko

Tatra banka a.s.
Vajanského nábrežie 5
P.O. box 50
810 11 Bratislava 111

Please specify in your transfer your name.