Abstracts (between one half and whole page) can be send in Portable Document Format (pdf), Post Script (ps), or MS Word (doc, rtf) format. Final papers must be in latex format, lncs template ( local download), between 5 and 10 pages. Please consult us in the case of more pages. Please do not use diacritical marks in the case of encoding other than win-1250. You should use latex construction (e.g. \'a, \v{z}) instead. Please send your contribution (latex and ps/pdf files) for review to 30.10.2003.

Proceedings will be reviewed and printed after the conference.

Presentation language is Slovak/Czech (English in the case of some participant from other country), language of contribution is Slovak/Czech/English. A dataprojector and a notebook will be available

Please feel free to send any comments and questions to itat@cs.science.upjs.sk

ITAT 2001

ITAT 2002